Based in New England, our practice is founded on the concept of a place based architecture rooted in the nature and character of the landscape and culture it inhabits. In every project we undertake, we seek to create the best and most appropriate design for each of our clients. The buildings which we design for our clients should be elegant in their satisfaction of aesthetic, environmental, and functional needs, technically competent, and rendered with superior professional service.
We believe a signature style for all projects can become an impediment to the creation of appropriate design solutions. Instead, we seek to develop architecture and design that is:
– Specific: rooted in the particulars of the site, needs, and users for which it is shaped
– Appropriate: developing effective solutions that take their place naturally in their environment and the lives of their users.
– Habitable: shaping each design to enhance the life and experience of the users of the building
– Sustainable: making wise use of the resources of the client and community with a long term understanding of costs
– Timeless: transcending the transitory stylistics of the moment to create design of lasting value and substance